The art of running like a fat kid.


Staff member
I was a fat kid. And as a loyal twitter friend recently commented, am heading back in that direction again.

One memory that stuck with me since childhood was when we kids were up to no good... there were about 6 of us roaming the streets with not much to do but cause some mischief, and we found an abandoned warehouse. We had a game of trying to smash the last part of a window by throwing stones... I generally missed. Suddenly, a police wagon turned the corner and a couple of local coppers came out. We all ran like the wind.

But being the fat kid, that actually meant something like running through treacle. I remember my legs pumping, but all my friends were far ahead of me. A copper ran past me. Then another.. they were gaining on my friends, but left me alone.

I think back on this a lot. I was (by circumstance) so slow that it appeared that I wasn't a target. The police just ignored me. They caught a few of my friends, and gave them a stern talking to, and we all lived to fight another day. Here's one example of a skinny kid running:

Oren went directly to optimization, he ran too fast, and couldn't get traction. By creating a slower entry, I plan to use ThinkGeek to cover about 80% of my domestic travel in 2017, and 100% of my MR demand is lowered.

Another example occurred recently in the Level 2 Reselling thread where I discuss Dell.

If you think about the big picture, there's so many avenues out there that it might be better to run a little slower, and stay alive, than going balls to the wall and never getting started. The key difference is identifying the coppers.

If you were on the old WF/OBC path, the coppers were primarily the store. Burn one, there's another. Heavy hitters who moved around knew this, locals who played it slow hated it. With reselling, the coppers can be the loyalty program, or the entire site - there are many stories of shut downs at places like Kohls.

PS - don't run from the coppers unless they carry truncheons rather than giant guns.