Tech Geeks: WalMart on OpenStack


Level 2 Member
I thought this was interesting from a Tech/Nerd/Geek perspective...

For the non-Techies out there OpenStack is an open-source cloud software platform. Anyone can contribute to it and download it to install. When they talk about cores they are basically talking about CPUs or processors.


I see Walmart is using Openstack for their production, and they mentioned at as below:

In the nine months, since we started building OpenStack cloud, we’ve already built an OpenStack Compute layer with 100K cores and counting. (We’re currently using the Havana build.) Our next step is to bring in more block storage and venture into software-defined networks using OpenStack projects such as Neutron and Cinder. We’re currently building a multi-petabyte object storage using Swift.

A lot of people use OpenStack, but what makes Walmart’s OpenStack project so exciting is the scale of our investment. Over 140 million customers shop our stores and online in the US every week. Unlike other large installations, we’re using the OpenStack platform for real production loads. By the holidays,’s entire production traffic will be on OpenStack compute.
btw, OpenStack is/was a Facebook platform that was released to open source. I believe FB has the biggest OpenStack infrastructure.