Put your filler items to good use


Level 2 Member
I'm a big fan of win-win, so I thought I'd share something I've been up to for the past 5 months.

I do a lot of reselling, and this involves using coupons like $10 off a $50 purchase of home goods, or earning things like Kohls Cash based on spending in increments of $50. At first I used the extra few bucks to fill in the needs of my new house, but after a while I had all the little stuff I needed. So...

I started getting things that could be easily donated to Toys For Tots, like a jigsaw puzzle or soccer ball or nail polish set, generally things that costs $3-7. Now I'm throwing in stuff on a local children's home wishlist - mostly kitchen/bath/bed stuff for those who've aged out of the foster care system. A lot of my newer friends are former foster kids, so this has a certain appeal to me.

Anyway, just thought I'd plant a seed of thought.