Portfolio Risk Evaluation


Staff member
I've got some pretty cool technology set up via my 'real job' and wanted to share it here to see if anyone would like to take a look at their portfolio.

The process would be:

  • Take a short risk questionnaire to see if what you have implemented is in line with what you've imagined.
  • Get a report that shows a stress test of your portfolio in various situations (eg a repeat of 2008 crisis)
  • Compare that with something that should be (in theory) more in line with your risk tolerance levels.
All the work done would be via my Registered Investment Advisor firm, and the information would be confidential.

I'm offering it for no fee to forum members, it doesn't constitute any planning relationship or expectations for payment/ongoing service. It is intended to just be helpful.

If you have a few assets, you can manually enter the positions and value, if you have a lot of assets and that is a pain, I can give you access to a personal finance management platform that links to your accounts and populates the data.

Here's the link to risk questionaire http://www.hiddenlevers.com/hl/u?224RqzY

Attached is a sample report from a 60/40 portfolio so you can see what this would produce from yours.

Please note I'll need to email you the results...


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New Member
HI. I'm currently all in cash. Could this work for me or do I need to already be in investments? Would it suggest products based on my risk preference? Thanks


Staff member
HI. I'm currently all in cash. Could this work for me or do I need to already be in investments? Would it suggest products based on my risk preference? Thanks
If you are all cash you have no risk, Outside of FDIC bankruptcy and whatnot.

You shouldn't pick products based on risk, but on need, and then check if risk matches up.

First question, does your all cash cover your retirement/etc needs?


New Member
Great question. We are simply trying to get a 3-5% return after taxes. We are planning to retire next year and are willing to move to a non income tax state. I'm happy in a boring muni bond in one of those states or an ETF of them. Not worried about a 60/40. Just want 'guaranteed' return. If there is such a thing ;o)