How Many States Have You Visited?


Level 2 Member
A status update from BosMan got me thinking about this subject. I traveled for two of my jobs, usually to small towns, so I went to a big chunk of the continental US. In fact, to ALL of it. The only state I didn't hit officially for my job, I went to on a side trip. Having to drive to MN from VA after 9/11 checked off a couple, as well.

I was on a business trip to a--small--town in southern MO, and my coworker and I drove about 25 miles into AR, so we could say we'd been there. We even got cones at a Dairy Queen, to say that we'd eaten there!

The only two states I've missed are HI and AK. How about you, you traveling fools?


Level 2 Member
I counted mine up too after reading the BosMan's post. I'm at 19 - but I do have 4 out of the 5 that he is missing. :D This is one 'contest' where those living in the Northeast have a distinct advantage. You can hit many of those little states in one roadtrip. Here in California you can drive all day and not leave the state.


Level 2 Member
I've hit 37 states. For the most part I'm missing most states in the SE and extreme NE. Strangely enough, I've been to every state in the west except Oregon.


Staff member
I counted mine up too after reading the BosMan's post. I'm at 19 - but I do have 4 out of the 5 that he is missing. :D This is one 'contest' where those living in the Northeast have a distinct advantage. You can hit many of those little states in one roadtrip. Here in California you can drive all day and not leave the state.
Yeah, I'm lucky being a longtime MA resident that I could hit all of those New England states with ease early on :D.

Also knocked off quite a few recently due to a BOS-DFW sale, which I then used Avios to continue on to other areas. Knocked off SD, OK, MS, AL, and LA this way. Knocked off a lot of other states prior to that via mileage runs, that was how I've been to AK already at this point. Gave myself an overnight in HI due to the scheduling of UA's Island Hopper service that I wanted to fly. Then I deliberately went through WV, KY, and AR on my Boston-Austin moving trip last week, leaving me having not visited GA, IA, NV, SC, and TN. As I noted, I'm now going to leave Nevada until last so I can celebrate the completion in Vegas :D.


Staff member
Only 40 for me. My husband has been to 46. I need to check with them, but I think several of my children have been to more than I have:) My husband has been to every single current major league ballpark (and several former), which is actually his proudest stat.


Level 2 Member
I counted mine up too after reading the BosMan's post. I'm at 19 - but I do have 4 out of the 5 that he is missing. :D This is one 'contest' where those living in the Northeast have a distinct advantage. You can hit many of those little states in one roadtrip. Here in California you can drive all day and not leave the state.
Heh. Or, travel to small towns in VT and NH, and you are bound to hit at least one other state, just flying in and driving (and driving, and driving) to your destination.


Level 2 Member
Only 40 for me. My husband has been to 46. I need to check with them, but I think several of my children have been to more than I have:) My husband has been to every single current major league ballpark (and several former), which is actually his proudest stat.
Smitty, my oldest son rode his motorcycle from here, via as many states as he could hit, to SOCal, when he was 23. Camped and stayed in hostels. So he's close to my record, although I don't think he's seen much of the SE. But then, I was in my fifties when I hit 48, so he's got plenty of time.


Staff member
Smitty, my oldest son rode his motorcycle from here, via as many states as he could hit, to SOCal, when he was 23. Camped and stayed in hostels. So he's close to my record, although I don't think he's seen much of the SE. But then, I was in my fifties when I hit 48, so he's got plenty of time.
That is cool. Yeah two of my children did epic solo road trips right after college and another had a job involving a huge amount of domestic travel, so I suspect they could have me beat!


Level 2 Member
That trip to lead to him falling in love with Austin, Texas, which is where he finally got his degree. And met his wife. So it was a very fruitful trip, all in all!


Mmmm.... yeah....
Staff member
I'm currently at 30. The upper midwest is the biggest void on my map--everything from Wisconsin to Idaho is terra incognita for me.


Level 2 Member
I'm currently at 30. The upper midwest is the biggest void on my map--everything from Wisconsin to Idaho is terra incognita for me.
Upper MW is my stomping ground...the summer is a good time to get acquainted, unless you like either cross country skiing or mediocre downhill. Then, winter is great!


Level 2 Member
Now that this is official and all, does touching down at an airport but not leaving the plane count? I can add Missouri to my list if so.

If you need your feet on the soil (airport gate count?) then that's another issue. :p


Staff member
Upper MW is my stomping ground...the summer is a good time to get acquainted, unless you like either cross country skiing or mediocre downhill. Then, winter is great!
Mediocre downhill LOL...glad you said it. Though I have spent more than half my life in the Midwest, I dare not.


Staff member
Now that this is official and all, does touching down at an airport but not leaving the plane count? I can add Missouri to my list if so.

If you need your feet on the soil (airport gate count?) then that's another issue. :p
This reminds me of the rules of the Traveler's Century Club. I am one country short of the 100 needed to join. But the very issue you bring up has been tossed about for membership criteria. "When the club was started, much consideration was given as to how long one must have stayed in a country or island group to qualify. It was finally decided that even a very short visit (such as a port of call on a cruise or an airplane refueling stop) would qualify."


Staff member
Now that this is official and all, does touching down at an airport but not leaving the plane count? I can add Missouri to my list if so.

If you need your feet on the soil (airport gate count?) then that's another issue. :p
My view is if you exited the secure area of the airport, and ideally left the airport property, it definitely counts. If you didn't even leave the plane, never mind the airport, it is a little more iffy to me. Although, since we aren't talking about curing cancer or anything super important, count whatever you want :D. Missouri is a very underrated state though, worth a visit.


Staff member
I'm missing Oregon, Wisconsin, S. Carolina, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. So 43, with plans to add 2 or 3 in October. I grew up in a frugal family with 7 kids and family all over the country and Canada. Flying wasn't an option, but no road trip was too far!

Our kids aren't allowed to count it if we don't leave the airport, even though a few (like SLC) give you enough beautiful views to make me want to make an exception.


Level 2 Member
My view is if you exited the secure area of the airport, and ideally left the airport property, it definitely counts. If you didn't even leave the plane, never mind the airport, it is a little more iffy to me.
Oh no! I may have to subtract a few! haha :eek::p


Staff member
The only two states I've missed are HI and AK. How about you, you traveling fools?
You saved two great destinations for last. Dust off those AA miles and get yourself a trip to Hawaii! And while you are at it, find a way to get to Alaska too on AS or somehow. It is time.


Level 2 Member
I agree. A chunk of the AA miles are flying me home in first from three glorious weeks in IT AND grandson's second b'day.

Need a chunk more for HI. And a husband who can take long vacations for both HI and AK.


Staff member
HNL, KOA, or OGG-ANC on AS is 12.5K Avios. Alaska is hard to get to on Saver awards this year, but wide open at 20K DL miles. Hit both Alaska and Hawaii on one trip!


Level 2 Member
I have 7 left - Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, N Dakota, Minnesota and Alaska - the only one I really WANT to visit is Alaska - but I hate to leave a list unfinished!


Level 2 Member
You all travel a lot...I am only upto 23. I moved to the US in 2003. Will be hitting a couple more states this year for sure.


I am not a robot
  1. I'm at 46 never been to TN AK OR or ND.
  2. I'm at 45 if I use the leaving the airport criteria (CO).


I am not a robot
Double post, couldn't get the last one to let me format it.

We drove from California to Nova Scotia when we moved there. We took about six weeks for the trip with time in Yellowstone and the Black Hills among other places. Hit many states on that trip.

I grew up in New York and road trips were a regular event, so I saw all of the East Coast as a child.

We drove to both Disney World and Disneyland from Austin, which covers a good chunk of states. My parents live half way to Disneyland and my in-laws are half way (ish) to WDW. I really like road trips.


Level 2 Member
I have managed to visit all 50. With a move to WA in the near future, my husband jokes that I have lived in every state in the Union (18). The good news is that this move will return us to the US where I can finally return to my hobby of MS:)


Level 2 Member
I have been able to visit 49 states--just missing Hawaii. Hopefully, that will be in the next few years.


Travel Burninator
45 + PR and DC. Missing are: Alaska, Connecticut, Hawaii, Montana and South Dakota.

Gonna scratch HI off the list in 6 weeks! Alaska will probably wait until my teens are in college.

I was surprised about Connecticut since I've spent *a lot* of time in the northeast for work, but most of those trips involve flying into Boston (and driving north and or south to RI), or into NYC/Philly/Baltimore/DC/Richmond and driving from there. Never had occasion to make the drive between NYC and Boston.


Level 2 Member
I hadn't been to CT till I worked for a software firm, training home health RNs on clinical software. First was flying into Hartford to drive to southern MA, then we had a group in Hartford itself. The oddest thing, to me, was seeing the tobacco fields. I never realized that tobacco was grown in CT, but there they were!


New Member
I have 19 that I actually spent a bit of time in. I could add 5 more for just driving through and maybe hitting a rest stop but I don't think that should count