Having a new credit card sent to you overseas

Miles to the Wild

Level 2 Member
This is not necessarily for expats, you could be someone who lives in the USA and happens to be traveling overseas when a good offer comes out. Maybe you want the card sent to your hotel so you can get started on the minimum spending.

I know most people have the card sent to someone in the USA who forwards it to you. This is getting a bit more difficult for me due to personal situations I would rather not go into online.

It is a one-off card I want (UA Biz 50k from Chase) so I don't want to subscribe to a mail forwarding service.

In the past I have been successful at getting Chase to send renewed cards and replacement cards due to fraud to me in Australia. Both the USA address and Aussie address are in my profile, I usually keep the USA one as primary since I have all statements on email status. When my IHG card renewed, I switched to the Aussie address as primary and it showed up here automatically.

What I have not tried yet is applying for a new card with my Aussie address as primary (rather than my USA one) and having the new card sent directly overseas. Anyone have luck with this?


Staff member
I don't have the solution, but for those traveling as you mentioned maybe they could apply to their home and then declare the card lost and ask for an emergency replacement...