Happy Independence Day!



Pride in the Stars and Stripes.

July 4th is a pretty cool day in the United States. It is filled with Parades, Fireworks, and Barbecues. Friends and families get together, grills are fired up, the night’s sky takes on an entirely different tone, with explosive effect. It is important, however, to remember, that this day is not just about good barbecue, or the fireworks, but rather, it is the day that thirteen American colonies stood up to a great power and said, “no more” and signed the Declaration of Independence.

It was a pretty seminal day in history, especially for Americans. As the US celebrates 239 years of Independence (a number that seems both small and unfathomable at the same time), it is important to reflect on how impressive it is, to see the “Great American Experiment” continue on. While we may all have our opinions of this or that (cough: TSA), largely, we live in a country that encourages equality, entrepreneurship, and allows us to know that we can wake up each day, without having to worry about tanks in the streets.

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