Happy Holidays from Tagging Miles



Image: Currier & Ives/Wikimedia Commons

Once again, as it so happens every December 25th, the western hemisphere seems to move in slow motion. Schools, banks, and many businesses are closed; one of the few times annually nearly all commerce tends to stop. And for what seems like an extended period of 24 hours, the world seems at peace.

Of all the days on the calendar, Christmas is the only time of year I know of that can seemingly stop everything – figuratively and physically. But, of course, it’s never that simple. This holiday season in particular, many of us were reminded of the stark realities that exist in our ever dangerous world.

My heart weights heavily on those situations, but it will not stop me from taking delight in my holidays. For a short period of time, we are allowed and (more importantly) encouraged to revel in the comfort and safety that comes with the season. Some will spend the day among family and friends exchanging meaningful gifts that reflect our affections for one another, while others will raise a toast for those who cannot be with us. I, myself, will enjoy a movie this morning, followed by seeking out Chinese food in the evening: something that has become a tradition in my household almost straight out of A Christmas Story.

And for one day – possibly the longest 24 hours on the calendar – I can put behind what may have been my most challenging year on many levels: personally, professionally, and even points-wise. On this day of respite, I will take delight from my personal comforts, and confidently look forward to a new year with renewed vigor and hope.


Six months ago, Trevor and I started on this endeavor having no idea where it would lead. 155 posts and countless words of encouragement (and some debates) later, we have discovered that it’s not about where you’re going, but about how you get there – on many levels. I hope that our blogs have brought you some of the happiness that writing them has given us.

From our families to yours: may your holiday season be filled with love, joy, rest, and may all your holiday wishes come true. And as we embark on the final week of this trip around the sun, my wish is that we may all have something great to look forward to in the coming year.

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