Eurocup 2016--anyone planning to go?


Level 2 Member
Anyone thinking of going to France next year and taking in a Eurocup soccer game or two? (Or maybe going for Eurocup and France is secondary... ;-) )

Anyway, I'd love to hear strategies about planning such a trip. For example, are you waiting for the draw in Dec before booking or will you pick the city (or cities) first? Have you entered the lottery for tickets yet and what's your lottery strategy?


Level 2 Member
I would love to go to the Eurocup but it's just not in the cards. I am however planning on going to Copa America 2016 which is being held in the US. Not as prestigious but it will still be a great tournament. FIFA added it to the calendar so we'll get to see players like Messi and Neymar. I'm going to wait for the draw and go to wherever the US is playing.