Don't Ever Trust What One Airport Tells you About Another Airport

SC Trojan

Level 2 Member
I just wanted to throw out a recent experience as public service announcement (with a bit of a whine in there)

Don't ever trust what they tell you about one airport at another airport was the lesson I learned on my last trip. I was connecting from Chiang Mai to Bangkok and had to switch from Thai Airways to Asiana. At Chiang Mai they couldn't print my ticket on Asiana because they claimed it had to be printed on Asiana card stock. So I would have to goto the West Transfer Desk and get Asiana to print it there. They even gave me print out listing all the airlines and whether they were on the East Transfer Desk or West Transfer Desk. I was a bit apprehensive because I only had 1 and a half hours to transfer, but I was told it would not be a problem.

For those that don't know, Bangkok airport is HUGE, it is literally 800 meters from one desk to the other. So when our flight arrived and we were near the east side of the airport we quickly made the 800 meter walk to the other side of the airport, got through security and got to the west side. Well, when we got there, of course there was no Asiana desk. I asked the Thai Airways desk what was the deal and they told me that Asiana was on the east end. So, then we had to go all the way back to the east end (another 800 meters). Thankfully the Asiana desk was there and we were able to get to our flight on time, but we had to traverse an extra 1.6 km with luggage in tow just because Chiang Mai had the wrong information.

Next time I'm going to take the 5 minutes and check with the information desk to be sure.