Dispute unauthorized HPs


Level 2 Member
I (well, someone in the family) was denied by BOA, citing too many HPs. I checked my fresh CR and see 3 unauthorized HPs in the last 6 months (never applied with them, don't know why they're there). I want to dispute them, but the process as I understand is painful. Unlike accounts, which you can dispute online on CB website, inquiries can't be disputed directly with the CB, instead you have to get the creditor to tell CB that it should indeed be removed. Has this been everyone's experience? Has anyone actually disputed a HP?

CB = Experian.


Level 2 Member
No. Maybe we should.

Not surprisingly, the criminals used different addresses for the unauthorized HPs. One account even got approved :(


Level 2 Member
The bureaus vary widely in how fast they look at and respond to disputes. TU for me has always done it extremely quickly after contacting the bank and getting the situation straight. Never done EQ. EX is a pain, I also had identity theft last year and it took over 9 months of back and forth with EX and many threatened lawsuits until they finally removed the account from my report for good. I've heard other DPs about EX being a pain the ass to work with. Hope you have better luck!