Dealing with Claims Adjusters?


Level 2 Member
While I *hope* that none of ya'll have ever had to deal with an auto accident, the process of getting damage evaluated and, should a total loss be declared, getting a fair price for the auto seems like the sort of optimization problem this forum would have some good knowledge about.

And I'll admit I have a bit of self-motivation asking here and now about this. >__>

Anyway, besides the 'wait and see' crapshoot of letting the car get evaluated, having them quote me an amount and pressuring me into taking it (because, by then, I'll be at the tail end of the rental car period and will *need* to get another car), any advice? Once I get the quote I'll take a good hard look at the 'comparable' vehicles quoted, as well as see if there's any cars in my 'area' that they excluded, but beyond that...

Anyone here have a lot of experience in this area who'd be willing to share? :)