Balance and Beginners



Ok, so the title isn’t the best, but I couldn’t figure out a better title.


I am finding more and more, that I’m encountering folks–good folks–that hear of our great hobby and want to find to learn more. Personally, I’d love to point them right here, but lets be honest, I’m not really writing for the beginner. Thinking about this, I’m not sure if its because (1) I’m not good at writing beginner guides, (2) I don’t want to be just another “beginner” blog, or (3) There are other great options, like Kenny, FrequentMiler and One Mile at a Time (ironically “Start Here” is common). I’m sure there are more guides out there, but those are just a subset.

The Quandry

So for me the challenge is: do I write rehash what’s already been written by (likely) smarter folks than I?

The Answer

I can’t bring myself to do it. For those of you who are new to the points game that have found Tagging Miles, Welcome! Comment on this post, or e-mail me, and I would be happy to point you to greater minds to help get you started. It may not be the right answer, but I think its the better answer. My goal is to offer new content, with the occasional remarkable findings that have existed since 2009, and really try to offer a different perspective on things.

Your thoughts

I really appreciate your thoughts. What do you think? Should I work on some beginner tutorials? or leave it to the pros?

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Staff member
I think there are times to bring it in house and time to let others do it. There is a mindset where people want to write everything so it's all under one roof and their 'brand' but that's a lot of pointless duplication for me.

The exception being if you have goals for higher level stuff that you feel correlates to a specific foundation of knowledge that you don't see elsewhere.