Adding New Passport to GOES Global Entry Record


Level 2 Member
Just got a new passport. When I did the GE interview, I asked about what was necessary re: getting the new passport I was about to apply for into the GE records, and the officer said:

1) When you receive your new PP, got into your GOES record and ADD the PP as a NEW document.
2) Do not try to change/edit the old PP info
3) Once you have added the PP to GOES, bring it to the GE office for them to activate it.

I just checked GOES as well as their FAQs and not only does there not appear to be a way to add a new doc once you've been approved, but the FAQ seem to suggest that I should update the old PP record.

Perhaps in the last 6 months - the time between when I interviewed and my efforts just now to follow the officer's instructions - something has changed.

Has anyone had to do this recently? What did you do to get your new PP into your GOES record? Since I'll be at the airport tomorrow, I'd like to input the new PP info into GOES before I go, and then stop by the GE office for them to activate it, so your advice/experience will be welcomed!
