$25000 bill, any logic to pay 3.5% to use a cc?


Level 2 Member
I have a legitimate expense coming up, and can pay by check or a cc with a 3.5% fee. I can also break it up into two portions. I'm trying to decide if there is any way it makes sense to eat the fee and put it on a cc. I could use a membership rewards earning card or an ultimate reward card.

I've ruled out a cash back card due to the fee and know transferable points are the only way I could come out ahead. I was also considering just knocking out the rest of my 12k annual spend on the Fairmont card (maybe have 8/9k left to spend) and sending a check for the rest.

Any thoughts? Thanks for the ideas!


Level 2 Member
Yes. Why make it a one step process? You can pay in your jammies, but it'll cost you a lot. Or, you can buy GCs in your jammies and take a little longer, but get a much lower cost, or even a little profit along with the points.


Level 2 Member
If I would have planned better I could have done 5k with prepaid redcard this month & 5k on March 1st thru 2nd. But the problem is the vendor is expecting the funds ASAP, and alternative payment options aren't accepted. I spent a while thinking about it and am just going to get to 12k on the Fairmont card and send a check for the rest. Thanks for the input, I just waited too long to make any real good points opportunities off this one.... lesson learned. At least they will let me pay the bar tab with a card and no fee!


Level 2 Member
Can I assume that you started MSing relatively recently? It takes awhile (at least it did for me) to have "What's the best return when I pay this?" be at the top of your mind, always.