Membership Rules

Read these first, they will be brief!
The Saverocity Forum is designed to be a helpful resource of information for like minded people. Please be considerate when discussing with others, and remember to focus on discussing the central concept, rather than a person. It is our goal to help one another improve through knowledge sharing, let's try to stay at the very top of the pyramid.

Remember, any advice given or received here should be considered educational, or humorous - it is not intended to replace professional financial planning or tax advice in any way, shape or form.   Graham's Hierarchy  

Graham's Hierarchy of disagreement - image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons License


Sharing - I promise not to blog about anything that is in the restricted levels of this forum. I expect you to do the same. If you share on another forum or blog in order to gain credibility, readership, 'good karma' cash or anything then you are not welcome here. But if you want to share with friends in order to help them beat the system, that's cool.

To keep that simple, don't republish or cross post other people's work. This is a community of people helping each other. We recommend keeping snarkniess and sarcasm to a minimum until at least 5pm. For new members, please realize that there are good people here, but if you ask silly questions you might get a bit of snark. If you don't know where to start, or feel overwhelmed you can PM me personally and I'll get you going. Don't be an internet tart. Members agree that content can and will be moderated if it appears unsuitable for this site and it's vision of building a healthy community.

Signup Links and referral bonuses can only be added to the CONGA threads; please do not include them in other areas of the forum. Please don't join CONGA threads without using the link of the person above you. Please don't be that guy that starts nothing but CONGA threads, its kinda annoying.

Signatures can include links to your social media profiles or blogs only, they cannot include referral bonuses.

Posting Images or linking to any material that is considered pornographic, illegal or overtly stupid may lead to an immediate and permanent ban . Please take a moment to read the boring Legal Stuff here too

Tip of the hat to the folk at Mr Money Mustache for the Membership Rules, and including Graham's Hierarchy  

Note that The Forum receives affiliate revenue from Amazon and eBay links clicked within the forum.

Bans and demotions

There are two very important considerations for The Forum. Members agree that they will do their very best to educate themselves as to best practices for a 'gig' and think about protecting it at all times. People who seem unable to grasp the nuance of this will be spoken to, and if no resolution can be found then a demotion from Level 2 would occur.

The second, equally important aspect is how we interact here. People who refuse to interact in a civil manner will be banned. Hopefully such bans will be very rare, and things can be worked out before having to take that step, but if they cannot then a temporary or permanent ban will occur.
