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Hello Saverocity Readers!

Hello and welcome to the Wooden Nickels blog. The title Wooden Nickels comes from probably the first bit of personal finance advice I received from my Dad. Many times my Dad would tell me to “not take any wooden nickels.” I think it means pay attention and don’t get cheated. A random title for a blog that will cover a lot of random topics loosely related to personal finance.

My passions in life are to help people, saving money, and making easy money. A lot of my help comes in the form of saving people money from online shopping, knowing what credit card can get them some cheap travel, or sharing other money saving tips that I use. I won’t spend much time on credit cards on this blog since the market is a bit completely saturated. I will post my hunts for deals and money saving ideas. I want to help readers deal hunt and save money too so send me an email with what you are after and what is costing you too much money.

As I said my other passion is making money. I am going to share my adventures into starting my own businesses to help keep me accountable and show everyone how my efforts are going. Hopefully someone can learn from what I am doing and make enough to quit their job or achieve whatever financial goal they have. My ultimate goal is to make enough in one of my side hustles to quit my full time job.

Occasionally, I will also share some personal financial musings based on what is happening in my life. I have had enough in that department this year to write a book it feels like so I will share them as they come up and feel like they are interesting and valuable. Please send me emails with topics, deal help, or whatever you want to read about. I have enough ideas to cover me for a few months, but I want the blog to be interactive so send your ideas and requests my way.

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  • Elaine June 18, 2014, 8:27 pm

    So nice to see another new face here at Saverocity. Good luck!

    • woodennickels June 20, 2014, 2:48 am

      Thanks! And thanks for being my first comment.

  • pfdigest June 19, 2014, 12:31 am

    Welcome aboard! Glad to have you here.

    • woodennickels June 20, 2014, 2:50 am

      Thanks, hopefully I can add a little value to the site!

  • vasu June 19, 2014, 2:12 am

    Looking forward to deals n tips . thanks

    • woodennickels June 20, 2014, 2:50 am

      Thanks, maybe I can provide some you haven’t seen before.

  • chasingthepoints June 20, 2014, 2:25 am

    Welcome aboard Wooden Nickels!

    • woodennickels June 20, 2014, 2:51 am

      Glad to be here!