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Anatomy of a Deal

I mentioned in my original post that I would post on various deals that I buy for friends or myself so I wanted to share one really great one I scored earlier in the year.  The great thing about this deal is that it is mostly still available today.  As with many of these deals, I was able to score an amazing price due to a confluence of events so you may not be able to repeat my exact deal.

The hunt started in December when I saw a notice to pop up on fat wallet for DSLR camera.  I have been wanting to upgrade for a while, but didn’t want to spend the $$ on a toy for myself.  Focus Camera was offering a package deal for a Canon Rebel T3, 2 lenses, printer, and printer paper for $749 with a $400 mail in rebate.  I jumped on this one quick and tried to figure out how I could bring the price down even further.

My main methods of reducing the price are using coupons, credit cards, gift cards, and cashback portals.  I use cashbackholic.com to find the best cashback rebates and giftcardgranny.com to find out if there are in gift cards in the market.  Focus Camera didn’t have any gift cards, but they were running a special where you could buy them from the site for 10% off.

I was a bit unsure of whether to buy the gift cards late in December since the $400 promo ended on December 31st and I wasn’t sure they would have any stock left.  My greedy side took over and I took a chance and ordered exactly the amount I needed to get the Canon Rebel T3.  As suspected, the gift cards were slow to come and they sold out of the camera package.  You can imagine my joy in holding almost $1k in gift cards to a random camera store in New York.  Thankfully, they sell Apple products and I could at least sell those at a small discount and get most of my money back.

Miraculously, Canon started a new promotion in the 1st Quarter and I was going to jump on it.  The extra time gave me a chance to do more research on the camera I wanted to buy.  This may have end up costing me money since I bought the Canon SL1 outside of the package deal and was a nicer camera….Whoops!

Here is how the math worked out:

Excel deal

As you can see, the total worked to be $352.79 or close to $300 off a really good retail price.  Not bad!  I could definitely sell it and make $100 to $150 so I consider that a win.  I probably could have gotten the T3 package for close to $100, but didn’t since I was keeping it.  I wanted to get a camera that would last me a long time and take great pictures!  Drop me a comment and tell me about your best deals and whether you sold or kept them.


(SR71 Blackbird taken with SL1)

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  • Yolanda June 25, 2014, 7:05 pm

    love your camera deal!!!! hope to buy a laptop , any deals?

    • woodennickels June 29, 2014, 2:21 am

      I don’t know of any super deals right now. What are you after exactly? Shoot me an email at woodennickelsblog@gmail.com and I will see what I can do to help!