The Veteran’s Administration’s GI bill, whether Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) or Post 9/11 GI Bill, is one of, if not the most valuable benefit you can get as a military member. It provides 36 months (in some cases 48 months…see below) of money towards tuition for further education, housing allowance, and textbook stipend. In addition [...]

One of the commenters on my first article, @Kim, clued me in to a deal at Navy Federal wherein you could get free money when opening up or rolling over an IRA. I hadn’t heard of this, so I googled it, and lo and behold, it was the first match! Here is the enrollment page [...]

Good morning, my name is LCDR Andy Sheep, I’m a doctor in the Navy, and will be joining the Saverocity team, giving advice and tips that are military specific (you can read more about me in the About Me section). I’m very excited to be joining the Saverocity team! On to my first post: So [...]