
Manufactured Spending in New York City Or Any Big City

There are new entrants every day entering the manufactured spending scene. Sadly, many of them don’t know where to start. It frustrates many people established in this hobby when the newbies call their credit card company or the vendors asking questions if certain purchases earn points, are cash advances, certain store policies, and many many others. Many manufactured spenders know not to call anyone. Human review or escalation could cause a stir and create adverse action to many people, especially when a large influx of calls come in questioning the same thing. When I see the newbies start, they want everything to be easy. There are tons of already established that players don’t help the situation, especially if they start berating the newbie. I am defending neither side, but can say that those that don’t put the effort in don’t succeed. There are no shortcuts.

Manufactured spending in a city is immensely difficult, but not impossible. Retailers are always on the look out to stop fraud. One of the ways they try to stop fraud is not allowing you to buy prepaid cards with credit. Those that do, some will not allow you to use a prepaid card to buy a prepaid card. Those that do allow a purchase, verify your ID and swipe your credit card themselves, but hang on to it to verify the receipt that the last four numbers matches to the receipt.

I want to hammer the point home that it’s not impossible in a city. Look at The Miles Professor. She lives in a giant city where manufactured spending is difficult, and she won the #milesmadness event in March 2014. Well, how did that happen? It’s because she worked and worked at it and stepped up her game.

I’ve written in the past about my techniques, but a year has passed and some of those techniques have changed. In the year, really only three methods have drastically changed. They are: Amazon Payments, American Express’ Campus Edition cards, and American Express’ OPEN savings. Everything else is still valid.

If you’re not successful in manufactured spending in the city, you are not trying hard enough. 


2 comments… add one
  • Great post…MS does require leg work…some sleepless nights, and/or spousal arguments etc etc. However, you have to get creative sometimes and put the puzzle together…


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