
Gift Card Churning – Ask And You Shall Receive Higher Rates

Many people have called their credit card companies threatening to cancel their credit card and wound up having their annual fee waived or receive bonus points.

Similarly, it’s like asking for a raise at work and it never really occurred for me to ask until I began researching Junkcard and Gift Card Zen. Then the epiphany for the gift card churn for Restaurant category sparked me to ask Cardpool for a higher rate.

GCZ turned me down because of the new relationship with them and I average less than their specified bulk selling numbers.

For Cardpool, fortunately, I was granted a card wide increase for selling with them. Unfortunately, it’s not a very noteworthy amount. They increased the sales by .25%.

I had specifically asked for Wholefoods and Nordstrom, but they didn’t budge with a higher rate, sadly. Both cards would have been fantastic cards to gift card churn via Staples with an even higher rate.

2 comments… add one
  • How is churning of these giftcards profitable? I only see it as such if you can use staples gc’s which I haven’t had success with.

    • My method of gift card churning is unprofitable 95% of the time. In essence, I am purely buying points and miles at a discounted rate of anything under $.01/point or mile. Instead of buying it straight from the program where it could be up to $.025/point or mile


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